Top Easter Gifts and Activities for Young Children
Spring is in the air...
The first hint of spring, a new warmth in the air, bulbs bursting into life and a sense of new beginnings makes this a special time to have a baby. It is also a great time to plan lots of Easter fun with young children.
There are lots of lovely ways to mark Easter time and the coming of spring with a new baby, many of which celebrate birth and new beginnings. Eggs have been used for centuries at this time of year to symbolise new life, just as bunnies have been symbols of fertility.
Easter eggs
When baby is very little then a chocolate Easter egg is just the thing for mum to enjoy with her feet up, but as baby gets bigger an Easter egg hunt is lots of fun for all the family. If your little one is too young for lots of chocolate then you could decorate some real eggs (boiled is best!) or some polystyrene eggs (available in most craft shops or supermarkets). Have fun decorating the eggs with paint and glitter, hide the eggs in the house, garden or park, then get the kids to run round collecting as many as they can find, producing a prize for everyone at the end. A brilliant way to plan some Easter fun with young children!
Easter crafts
There are lots of fabulous Easter crafts to keep older children occupied, particularly important if mum is busy with a new baby. Easter bonnets, nests for chocolate eggs, Easter egg baskets and lots more, with kits widely available if you, like me, sometimes lack inspiration! Also, if weather permits, nothing beats pulling on your wellies and venturing outside for some spring sunshine, the older kids will love letting off steam and new babies sleep much better after a dose of fresh air.
Easter Gifts for a new baby
Easter is also a time for families to get together and it can be a lovely idea to buy an Easter gift for a new baby. If baby is too little for an Easter egg then a cuddly toy makes a thoughtful Easter gift. Our supersoft bunnies make gorgeous presents for baby's first Easter.We here at Babyblooms have been indulging in some grown-up colouring in to help us relax and so we thought we would ask our super-talented designer, Amanda Bradley, to create some kiddy-friendly Easter designs to keep you and your little bunnies busy over Easter. Download them for free below and if you photograph and post your masterpiece on our Facebook page, you could win one of our personalised bunnies!
Download our fabulous free Easter colouring here...